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Benefits of an Ionic foot Detox

An ionic foot detox is a natural and non-invasive way to help the body detoxify and restore balance. It uses a foot bath with an ionic array that sends a mild electric current through the body. This current helps to draw toxins out of the body and into the water. The benefits of an ionic foot detox include improved energy levels, improved sleep, improved circulation, and reduced inflammation. It can also help to reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and improve overall wellness. An ionic foot detox is a great way to help the body naturally detoxify and restore balance.

How long does an ionic foot detox take?

An ionic foot detox is a process that takes about 30 minutes. This process involves placing your feet into a foot bath filled with warm water and a special solution. The solution contains a combination of salts and minerals, and an electrical current is then passed through the water. This causes the ions to be released, which draw out toxins from the body and into the water. As the process continues, the water will start to change color as the toxins are released. After the 30 minutes is up, we discard the water and the toxins. The ionic foot detox is a safe and effective way to help detoxify the body.

How often should I get an ionic foot detox?

Ionic foot detoxes are a great way to detoxify the body and promote overall health and wellness. But how often should you get an ionic foot detox? Generally, it is recommended that you get an ionic foot detox at least once a month. This will help to clear out any toxins that have built up in your body and make sure that your body is functioning optimally. Additionally, if you are feeling tired or sluggish, an ionic foot detox may help to energize and revitalize your body. Finally, if you are dealing with any type of chronic health issue, an ionic foot detox may help to reduce inflammation and improve your overall health. So if you want to reap the benefits of an ionic foot detox, plan for a monthly visit to the Detox Bar